Want to help your employees save for their retirement without having to be burdened by the large financial or legal cost of traditional pension plan?

A Group RSP is your solution. A Group RSP is a collection of individual RSPs offered to employees by their sponsoring employer. Contributions are taken from the employee’s pre-tax pay through payroll deductions, reducing their tax burden immediately. Contributions are then deposited into their RSP as specified.


4 things to know about Group RSPs.

  • A Group RSP is designed to encourage you to save at work by contributing through payroll deductions.
  • Both you and your employer may contribute depending on the rules of the plan.
  • All contributions (both yours and your employers) are tax-deductible to you – and all investment earnings are tax-sheltered.
  • Like an individual RRSP, you decide how your money is invested. Your employer will provide a range of investment options to choose from. You’ll likely have fewer investment choices than you would with an individual RRSP. 


Stay with your current provider and save.

The sheer volume of our group business will save money for your company immediately without changing your current benefits provider.


Let our experts help you set up an RSP for your employees.

Contact us today for your no obligation consultation.

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To learn more about our products and services fill out this form or call us at 905-499-3617 or 1-800-388-3031.